Páholy -Box seat-60×80cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Fekete Teadélután-70×60cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Fürdőjáték-Bath toy-70×60cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Sütemények műkuglóffal-Cakes with a Fake Bundt-70×60cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Hölgymenyét-Lady Ferret-74×40cm
olaj,hársfatabla-oil on wooden board-2012
A Káposzta-The Cabbage-74×40cm
olaj,hársfatabla-oil on wooden board-2012
A csók-The Kiss-80×110cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Az első csók-The First Kiss-60×80cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Szeptemberi teadélután - Afternoon Tea in September- 60×80cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
A jó irány I.-The Right Direction I.-30×30cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
A jó irány II.-The Right Direction II.-30×30cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Csendélet újrahasznosítható anyagokból-Still life with recyclable items-60×70cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Asztali jelenet-Table Scene-70×60cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
A boldog pár-The Happy Couple-40×40cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Fekete-fehér csendélet-still life in black and white-60×70cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Átlatszó csendélet homárral
Transparent Still Life with Lobster-60×70cm
Transparent Still Life with Lobster-60×70cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Citrom I.-Lemon I.-20×20cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Citrom II.-Lemon II.-20×20cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Csendélet dinnyével-Still life with melon-50×40cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Csendélet ásványvízzel-Still life with mineral water-30×30cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Csendélet pohárral-Still life with a glass-50×40cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Kávézó szarvas-Stag Having Coffee-70×60cm
olaj,akril,vászon-oil and acrylic on canvas-2012
Tanulmány a Kávézó szarvashoz I.
Study for the Stag Having Coffee I.-14×12cm
Study for the Stag Having Coffee I.-14×12cm
olaj,akril,karton-oil and acrylic on cardboard-2012
Tanulmány a Kávézó szarvashoz II
Study for the Stag Having Coffee II.-25,5×30cm
olaj,akril,karton-oil and acrylic on cardboard-2012
Study for the Stag Having Coffee II.-25,5×30cm
olaj,akril,karton-oil and acrylic on cardboard-2012
Tanulmány a „Gondoskodás”-hoz
Study for the „Care”-30×20cm
Study for the „Care”-30×20cm
olaj,akril,karton-oil and acrylic on cardboard-2012
A madárfilozófus- The Bird Philosopher-14×10cm
olaj,akril,karton-oil and acrylic on cardboard-2012
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